31 August 2020

An afternoon walk along Burlees Lane. Several times, we heard a buzzard mewling somewhere above the valley: a relatively rare bird in these parts. I spotted it eventually, gliding back the way we had come. Then I heard and spotted another, which was evidently trying to catch it up. And then a third tagged along. So, perhaps buzzards are becoming a little less rare in these parts.

Someone had pinned a sign on a trackside bench warning passers-by of a wasps’ nest. There were certainly plenty of them emerging from and disappearing underneath the bench. That’s the second wasps’ nest we’ve spotted this week.

A kestrel perched on a lamp, staring down at the field below. After a minute, it parachuted down to the ground after some hapless prey. Meanwhile, a rabbit sunbathed in the llama field. Clearly, it hadn’t heard there were three buzzards in the area.

Rabbit, chilling.

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